You can reach the village of Planès and its church on foot (30-minute walk from the station by a hiking trail). Follow the path that goes under the railway line and then start walking up to the left as you leave the train station.

This surprising church, which has been mentioned in documents dating from 1442, was classified as a historical monument in 1840 and has a very special architecture. It is difficult to explain why such a building was built in such a small mountain village, and there are many theories about its origin… But it remains for sure one of the most impressive parts of the historical heritage of the Catalan Pyrenees.

The Train Station

The Planès station is located 1.2 kilometers north of the village. Access by a hiking trail.


Very few parking possibilities near the station. The station is not accessible to motorized vehicles.

Move around town

El municipi de Sauto forma part de la comunitat de municipis pirinenc-catalans i té 50 habitants.

Access to the village of Planès from the station via a hiking trail.

Information point

Mairie de Planès

Le Village, 66210 Planes

+33 4 68 04 28 19 [email protected]

Information point

Mairie de Planès

Le Village, 66210 Planes

+33 4 68 04 28 19

[email protected]